What is $UNT?
$UNT is Universe Finance’s native token.
Token name: Universe Finance Token
Token symbol: UNT
Total supply: 1,000,000,000 (1 billion)
Token accuracy: 18
Inflationary: No
Deflationary: Yes
The following addresses are $UNT token contract addresses in different mainnets:
Ethereum (ETH): 0xe4b5936Dce1820f84509C89CcE0F28C87988Bad8
Binance Smart Contract (BSC): 0xC06A4b3C954E7339ed71885C0EA4928B73bE1944
Polygon (MATIC):0xc46DB78Be28B5F2461097ed9e3Fcc92E9FF8676d
Note: When you trade the $UNT token or receive any information about the $UNT token, please check the token contract addresses first for verification. Beware of being deceived and scammed.
Last updated