
The Origin of APY

Universe's revenue is mainly from the fees collected by the strategies. It is various from:

  • TVL and trading volume of UniswapV3 pools

  • The ratio of transactions fees earned from the running pool (The current reward percentage for market-making activities is 0.3% )

  • The supporting operating strategy for the liquidity poo

Universe's strategies to increase the APY

Improve capital utilization

  • Develop Uniswap V3 leveraged liquidity mining.

  • Improve the accuracy of price forecasts and support smaller mining ranges.

Reduce the losses of leveling

  • Add multi factors to reduce the impermanent loss.

  • Optimize the leveling time and reduce leveling fees.

Scientific management of reinvesting frequency

  • Reinvest when leveling.

  • Monitor the growth of TVL.

Last updated